It is Boris’ endeavor to bestow upon the viewer the ability to see and feel the thought and emotion which inspire the artworks. It’s very important to note that his feather artworks differ from others in that the skill he has so highly refined originates in the very traditional Hawaiian techniques. But is also inspired and influenced by his own native Taiwanese heritage. Every choice of color and placement of the materials has deep symbology and significance…
Boris has received many awards and participated in a number of public events such as Hawaii Craftsmen Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition 2009~2019, Japanese Chamber of Commerce “Commitment to Excellence Art Exhibition 2012,16~18, Fiber Hawaii, 2010~18 Juried Exhibition, Hawaii Pacific University Ohana Gallery Juried Exhibition 2007~2009, First Mixed Media Festival 2009, Textile Society of American Biennial Symposium 2008, and as demonstrator in the TV program, Scenic Hawaii, on HD channel 1000; Oahu story, feather lei.
He has designed lei hulu for a number of celebrities, dignitaries and special events. Many well known personalities proudly own and wear Mr. Huang’s lei hulu, including actor, Jim Nabors; Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie ; Honolulu Mayor, Mufi Hannemann; Hawaii Theatre manager, Burton White; performer and kumu hula’s, Robert Cazimero, Aloha DeLire and Tony Conjugacion; and many more.
Boris has deep gratitude for the opportunity to share with you his skills in this ancient Hawaiian tradition of lei hulu… He does so with the utmost Love and respect for his kumu, this land and it’s traditions and culture.
" I always believe that people can see, and feel what is the thought behind the artworks. What make my feather artworks different than others is because there’s skill passing and culture crossing from two different ethnic, there’s love, encouragement and home for a stranger like me to settle in, and there’s respect of this land and culture. When you open your eyes and mind to experience different cultures; as long as you have your heart in it, people will see and feel the beauty of you."
Boris Huang
Feather Lei by Boris Huang
New generation feather lei artist
World's premiere & award winning feather lei maker
Awards / Exhibitions
Hawaii Craftsmen Statewide Exhintiion 2022
Fiber Hawaii 2022
Cheongju Craft Biennale 2021, South Korea (Invited Artist)
MATCHBOX PLUS Miniature Art Show 2020
Hawaii Craftsmen Statewide Exhibition 2020
MATCHBOX PLUS Miniature Art Show 2019
The Visible Hand Annual Statewide Exhibition 2019 ( The Manoa Gallery Award )
T The New York Times Style Magazine Men's Fashion issue, September 2019
Hawaii Craftsmen 51st Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2018 ( * Invited Artist )
Fiber Hawaii 2018
Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce 40th Commitment To Excellence Exhibition 2018
Matchbox Plus, 2017/18
Hawaii Craftsmen 50th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2017
Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce 39th Commitment To Excellence Exhibition 2017 ( * 2nd Place Three-Dimensional )
Honolulu Museum of Art at First Hawaiian Bank Center, 2017
Hawaii Craftsmen 49th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2016 ( * George Ellis Award )
Royal Hawaiian Leatherwork Exhibition Store, de Young Museum, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco 2015-2016
Contempo ArtShop 2015, Honolulu Museum of Art, 2015
Hawaii Craftsmen 47th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2014 ( * Honorable Mention Award & * Purchase for the Collection of Honolulu Museum of Art Award )
Matchbox Plus XI, 2013, Cedar Street Gallery
Hawaii Craftsmen 46th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2013
Hawaii Peace Award ( *Honoree: Bobel Peach Prize recipient Daw Aung Sun Suu Kyi )
The 7th Annual Hawaii’s Modern Master, 2012
Fiber Hawaii 2012
Hawaii Craftsmen 45th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2012 ( * The Hawaii State Foundation of Culture and the Arts Recognition Award & * George Ellis Award of Excellence )
Japanese Chamber of Commerce 34th Annual “Commotment to Excellence” Art Exhibition, 2012
Hawaii Craftsmen 46th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2011 ( * The Hawaii State Foundation of Culture and the Arts Recognition Award )
Fiber Hawaii 2010 ( * Award of Excellence for Total Body of Work )
Hawaii Craftsmen 45th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, 2009
First Mixed Media Festival 2009
Hawaii Pacific University Ohana Gallery Exhibition 2007-2009